May Day! May Day! Everybody do Pole Dances!

i'm ready. packing right now. i am the worlds worst packer - always wait until the last second, throw random, non-matching things in bags/suitcases, have the mentality that eh-i'll just buy it or borrow it when i get there. so usually my out of town outfits are even less put together than normal everyday outfits. which isn't saying much!
i am wearing my signature peace pipe shirt (best 25 cents i EVER spent) and flip flops. i, of course, overslept and have to run a bunch of last minute errands on this cloudy, wet day! cross your fingers it is sunny in florida.
i am only 25 years old for two more days! OLD. I will be bringing my camera and mac book so you most likely will get a blog update of mere and me while I am there!
yeah that looks a little dirty.
sooooo jealous of your upcoming trip.
can't wait to see the pics and hear the details. happy early b-day
arlo a dirty, dirty boy! have fun and happy, happy birthday doll!!!!!!! big smile right back attcha!!!
have fun babycakes! see you when you're 26. :)
have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy the sunshine... luv luv
ps. the dog is sniffing your who-ha.
i need kat time. NOW!
oh and good news about the engagement party entertainment. have some people to book, just want to check with you first. CALL ME MANANA!
..cha cha cha
that shirt is hilarious.
and wonderful.
have fun on the trip.
Happy Birthday to yoU! Hope you have great time in FL!!
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