whistle why (while) you work

what is on my pandora station: the blow, zee avi, heidi newfield, tegan and sara, iron & wine, ben folds, the submarines, and the ting tings. any other artist suggestions?
what is in my fridge: ribs, strawberries, bing cherries, and that big ole watermelon. yum.
i have nothing terribly exciting.
nate is napping twice a day still. he had a slight fever this morning. pretty sure there are some more teeth on the way. (he only has 4! two top, two bottom.) some days at home fly by and i don't even shower, some days go super slow and i want to pawn nate off to karl the second he walks in the door. he isn't really close to walking, but he will pull up on the couch, table, etc. no rush from me. he can crawl fast enough.
i need to get my scanner out so i can participate in way back wednesday posts. i have included this photo of b and i looking like homeless princesses after a night spent roaming the plaza in kansas city barefoot and sitting on the staircase of some seedy bar in a drunken anger b/c some jerk spilt his drink (on the dancefloor) down my back and tried to be all prickish about it. at least, i think that's what happened. ha. super classy. i do not wish to be 23 (24?) again.
(NO drinks on the dancefloor a-hole.)
(see? i am still bitter!)
(if it had just been beer, no worries. but it wasn't.)
though a night of drunken dancing sounds a scoch fun.