sink, sink, clutch, sink
We attended an engagement party for one of karl's childhood friends this weekend. I wore heels - for like the second time since pregnancy and beyond. I AM NEVER THE GIRL IN HEELS. here is what the world's longest driveway looked like:
ITTY BITTY pieces of gravel and mud in between this criss cross concrete pattern. UM, no. not a beginner course. this is how i hobbled in: sink, sink, sink....can't walk along the muddy edges....sink sink sink... nice to meet you... stumble... clutch husband's arm with deathlink grip...sink... sink deeper....SUPER graceful. REPEAT: I AM NEVER THE GIRL IN HEELS. and they weren't just like small itty heels. they were my one pair of jessisca simpson 10 inch highs. the ones that sat on my desktop at work as decoration the entire time i was pregnant (and, ahem, until i quit) b/c i couldn't fit my fat, pregnant feet in them and/or would fall over due to balance issues. so, i went barefoot once the sun went down. (alright, fine, i collapsed at a table the first moment possible and made karl get all the food and drink for us. then the sun went down and i hobbled out (shoes in hand) next to karl's mom with her recovering hip and walker. what a pair we made!) (she is making amazing progress by the way.) so, yea, so much for my social butterfly-ness this weekend. ah well, such is life right? we didn't really know a lot of people and, i mean, really, i prefer to have bare feet and run around in the mud anyway. i'm a lady like that. (additionally, i banished the JS heels to the back of the closet for, um, maybe, um FOREVER (gasp).
enough about me. this Sunday, I would like to NOT focus on me ANYMORE but, instead, focus on these darling little ovens:
1. This Girl, with her upside down baby (well, i guess right side up, really), is going in to meet and kiss him Thursday.
2. This Girl, with her comfy cozy womb, who has been an unexpected and awesome support for my random baby Q&A, expecting baby girl #2 anytime now!
2. This Girl, with her flippy little fetus that is still twirling and whirling in every direction, who announced her own pregnancy so eloquently on her blog this morning.
3. And, This Girl, who has her own twirly peach/lemon/navel orange to think about and grow.
Their big and little (and by big and little i mean early vs. late pregnancy.) bumps make me smile. There are little people in there just waiting to come out and be Nate's friends.
Thanks for the shout out. you know, i blame a lot of these pregnancies and babies on you, and your cute child.
love you.
iphone photos are surprisingly good, no? sammy just saw the images of nater tot over my shoulder and asked whose kid i was looking at... when i replied "kat and karl's baby" in my best "d'oh!" voice, he said, "WHAT? i thought he was a BABY! when did he get so big???" seriously though, when DID he get so big? the problem with babies is that they don't stay babies nearly long enough. ;(
ps. i love the shot of him with the books at the library. child after my own heart. i swear when i have children they'll think that we live part time at the library. ;)
Love Nate's feet/toes in the second pic - adorable!!
Two years...scratch that... Two and a half years later, I am finally wearing heels again. I no longer have to CHASE The Boy around, and it is wonderful. If your JS's want to visit my closet, I would love them appropriately. LOL!
nater tater tot looks great. I want to love on him and so does The Boy. :)
Super cute Nate pics.
Had a similar experience with heels worn to a graduation in a semi freshly rained upon field. Doh!
I hate heels as well and try everything I can do to avoid them even before Nash but more so afterwards. I can't imagine carrying him around in heels. I go for comfort even if I am short and probably should wear heels from time to time.
He gets cuter every day!
this post makes me happy. first, the fact that you wore heels! second, the title that explains the effort it took to wear those damn things. third, my heels are in the back of my closet too. some days i hope to never see them again.
nate at the library is precioso.
and brooke and jenny having babies makes me giddy as all get out.
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