interwebs pictures: he's a real boy
thank you for your comments on my creepshow post - sometimes you just get that VIBE, that feeling where you know something is not right. that was one of those times. thank you for not making me feel silly about it.
and now, i shall post pictures of my child (lotsa drool mcghee) (doesn't he look all enormous and OLD?) all over the interwebs. (and, for the first time ever, hesitate in doing so. THANKS A LOT creep.) but i shall continue the old bloggity as is b/c it is as much a part of my life and a connection to far away friends (known and not) as my real life, close by non-bloggy friends and family.
ADDITIONALLY, karl did book us tickets to NYC for our Anniversary Trip. We are going and Nate is coming with us! Any suggestions as to what to do are welcome - currently we are aiming for a Yankee game, lotsa Central Park time, the Museum of Natural History, maybe the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Conservatory OR Brooklyn Botanical gardens.... we are honestly going to play most of it by ear (as we do). Probably no plays this year! We are taking a train from the airport into the city (bypassing the car seat and cab issue) and are hoping to only bring one suitcase and a stroller! (my current plan is to sling/wear him and stroller him - i have heard carrying strollers up and down the subway stairs can be trying and the stations with elevators are few and far we'll see!) i am a teensy bit excited.
Glad to see Nate is feeling better.
Have a great trip. Remember you are my anniversary buddy.
-Aunt Jayne
YAY NYC!!!!! :) That's so fun!! :)
It will be interesting to see how Nate likes NY. Never been and wuld love to go some time. N ash says hi and is trying his hardest to type on the lap top. aA2222q1- there you go, that was from him.
Yay for your trip!! Can't wait to see how Nate does! And why is is so big? What is he, like 17 now? Sheesh.
Sweet Nate. Kate is rockin' the drool right now too, and teething hasn't even begun. Yikes. NYC sounds BRILLIANT. You're probably right to avoid Broadway this time. :) And I think it's awesome that moms don't worry about their wardrobes when visiting NYC...but by golly the stroller they're pushing better be posh. Just got my Phil & Ted's and I'm IN LOVE. :)
I bought the Bugaboo for the steps and cobble stone of Germany. It goes up and down quite easily. Let mek now if you want to borrow. :)
Yes, he's definitely looking like a big boy these days! Have fun in NYC!!! My family never went when we had little babies, the last time I went with my fam, my baby sister was prolly six years old, so she was able to walk everywhere. I think you are wise to avoid strollers on the subway... that just sounds exhausting.
Umm he looks scary like karl right now!
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