uniformity, rambling, and ebay
so for a way back wednesday friday post i give you this:
all these reunions have me remembering the good ole class of 1999!
oh, yea, i know i look hot. (as in hot hot... not like heat hot.) (and, uh, oddly similar. so there's that. maybe by the time i am 40 i will stop being IDed in bars.) (and, possibly start wearing makeup regularly. believe it when you see it, right?) anyway, that girl in the picture? she is my friend laura who, after doing hand poses with soccer balls, i believe resides somewhere in colorado...we lost touch after high school... or maybe sometime during... i can't remember now... and reconnected via facebook and/or some other social networking site. i may not remember exactly how we fell apart, but i DO remember that we laughed a lot together. and ate ice cream on her parents kitchen island (like on top of it.). and felt the hot tar between our toes walking the lines on the streets in the summer (oh suburbia). and listened to the fugees (you know... strumming my pain...). and ran a lot of hills/laps/suicides together on the soccer field.
it's funny how you forget the names and faces and events from high school that you SWORE you would remember vividly FOREVER. honestly, i feel like i remember grade school and college much more clearly than high school. is that weird? does that mean it emotionally scarred me forever and i am trying to block it out? HA. Doubtful.
i guess when i really think about it, i do remember some things. 1. there were no boys. (oh yea i am one of those all female, catholic, private school kind of girls - whatever that means.) 2. the uniform rules were quite strict. (no pictures of me in my plaid WOOL skirt will be forthcoming.) (but you better believe we rolled them at the waist. i think they were technically supposed to touch the ground while kneeling.) The uniform (and I do support uniforms for schools; that shit was awesome.) blouses (white button down) had to be tucked in and our sweaters (if you decided to wear one) MUST match the tights (if you decided to wear them.) the color options were navy, red, or forest green sweaters (complete with school crest; ordered straight from the uniform store!) I don't believe you were allowed to tie your sweater around your waist (too much attention to the hips; too provocative!). We had to wear socks and brown shoes (only brown) with backs on them. (read: no 1990's original style backless birks like these or these.)
We DID have a summer uniform that we could wear during a certain time period. the summer uniform = super long cuffed khaki shorts (no shoe allowances - socks and brown shoes still required!), blue (insert school crest here of course!) polo shirts, and a brown belt with a red stripe. (Oh you were in trouble if you forgot that belt! The nuns would get mad at you!). I believe we also had gym uniforms - white (crested?) polo shirts and red gym shorts. then i had a soccer uniform and a cross country uniform (both complete with warm ups!) depending on the season.
AND THEN, when you were a senior, you could wear your SENIOR FLEECE (which was basically a class sweatshirt - complete with crest!). Also, during senior year, you had the PRIVILEGE to wear BLACK SHOES. It was terribly exciting. (Any high school friends out there reading? Feel free to correct any gross inaccuracy...that is the thing about memories; they may or may not be based in fact, right?)
i have no idea where this post is going (clue: NO WHERE.) but I found it fun to share. What did you wear to good ole High School?
In other news, a mom right here in the great state of arkansas is auctioning the rights to name her 7th child on EBAY. (eBay? is it like iPhone with the whole lowercase uppercase thing?) As I am writing, it's around $2800. Here is the article with a link to the auction. I am scared for this child on the playground. (I mean whoever is crazy enough to bid has got to give the baby a crazy name, right? Like Echo or Sodapop or Transformer or Dumbeldore OR OR (and I have it!) eBay. (As in, 'this is our son, Ebay Internets Hills'.) Stay classy, Arkansas!
oh, yea, i know i look hot. (as in hot hot... not like heat hot.) (and, uh, oddly similar. so there's that. maybe by the time i am 40 i will stop being IDed in bars.) (and, possibly start wearing makeup regularly. believe it when you see it, right?) anyway, that girl in the picture? she is my friend laura who, after doing hand poses with soccer balls, i believe resides somewhere in colorado...we lost touch after high school... or maybe sometime during... i can't remember now... and reconnected via facebook and/or some other social networking site. i may not remember exactly how we fell apart, but i DO remember that we laughed a lot together. and ate ice cream on her parents kitchen island (like on top of it.). and felt the hot tar between our toes walking the lines on the streets in the summer (oh suburbia). and listened to the fugees (you know... strumming my pain...). and ran a lot of hills/laps/suicides together on the soccer field.
it's funny how you forget the names and faces and events from high school that you SWORE you would remember vividly FOREVER. honestly, i feel like i remember grade school and college much more clearly than high school. is that weird? does that mean it emotionally scarred me forever and i am trying to block it out? HA. Doubtful.
i guess when i really think about it, i do remember some things. 1. there were no boys. (oh yea i am one of those all female, catholic, private school kind of girls - whatever that means.) 2. the uniform rules were quite strict. (no pictures of me in my plaid WOOL skirt will be forthcoming.) (but you better believe we rolled them at the waist. i think they were technically supposed to touch the ground while kneeling.) The uniform (and I do support uniforms for schools; that shit was awesome.) blouses (white button down) had to be tucked in and our sweaters (if you decided to wear one) MUST match the tights (if you decided to wear them.) the color options were navy, red, or forest green sweaters (complete with school crest; ordered straight from the uniform store!) I don't believe you were allowed to tie your sweater around your waist (too much attention to the hips; too provocative!). We had to wear socks and brown shoes (only brown) with backs on them. (read: no 1990's original style backless birks like these or these.)
We DID have a summer uniform that we could wear during a certain time period. the summer uniform = super long cuffed khaki shorts (no shoe allowances - socks and brown shoes still required!), blue (insert school crest here of course!) polo shirts, and a brown belt with a red stripe. (Oh you were in trouble if you forgot that belt! The nuns would get mad at you!). I believe we also had gym uniforms - white (crested?) polo shirts and red gym shorts. then i had a soccer uniform and a cross country uniform (both complete with warm ups!) depending on the season.
AND THEN, when you were a senior, you could wear your SENIOR FLEECE (which was basically a class sweatshirt - complete with crest!). Also, during senior year, you had the PRIVILEGE to wear BLACK SHOES. It was terribly exciting. (Any high school friends out there reading? Feel free to correct any gross inaccuracy...that is the thing about memories; they may or may not be based in fact, right?)
i have no idea where this post is going (clue: NO WHERE.) but I found it fun to share. What did you wear to good ole High School?
In other news, a mom right here in the great state of arkansas is auctioning the rights to name her 7th child on EBAY. (eBay? is it like iPhone with the whole lowercase uppercase thing?) As I am writing, it's around $2800. Here is the article with a link to the auction. I am scared for this child on the playground. (I mean whoever is crazy enough to bid has got to give the baby a crazy name, right? Like Echo or Sodapop or Transformer or Dumbeldore OR OR (and I have it!) eBay. (As in, 'this is our son, Ebay Internets Hills'.) Stay classy, Arkansas!
Loved the look back at Catholic school unis. No uniforms required at BFDCHS, but I pretty much made my own. I wore sweats and t's, ponytail and bangs practically every day. And when it was cold, my letter jacket. Oh yeah, baby. :)
I have NEVER been stylish in the least. Kind of sad actually.
I wore athletic apparel most days. Sometimes I wore flannel. I grew up in a small town-- farming community-- where flannel in pants and shirts was acceptable. Lucky me. I spent most of high school looking like an athlete...or a farmer. LOL!
You remember the high school uniform rules way more clearly than I! Navy Blue Blazers Rule too!
i spent most of high school dressing exactly like i do now. heavy emphasis on t-shirts and flip-flops. and i still basically look the same, too, except my face was as round as a basketball then. thank you, daily lunch of peanut butter m&ms and pepsi.
in addition, please make 'internets' baby #2's first name. or 'interwebs.' or 'melissa.' i'm just sayin'.
I am not going to lie, I was highly tempted to auction off baby naming rights for us as well. I was going to start opening bidding at $100K though. I would have no problem naming my kid Ebay, or something wierd for $100+K. I would not name her something crazy for a mere $2800 though. Maybe I can talk Leslie into it if we ever have another.
I don't really remember the "black shoes" thing...but that doesn't mean it wasn't true. I DO remember being able to wear shorts, polo, and sneakers on "meet" days. What happened to my fleece...that thing was pretty comfy. Didn't we get to decide what article of clothing we wanted the privilege to wear as seniors?
Yeah..first friday of every month (CHURCH friday) we were required to wear the blazer. That really was the worst. Over the line. Remember the special senior lounge privelage? That was nice (until my class got it revoked).
love it.
Catholic school girl uniform here too.. navy or gray skirts (rolled, of course), white, light blue, or white/blue pinstripe button down shirts, navy sweaters or sweater vests. They were more lenient about the shoes when I was in school - they just had to have backs. But they've made stricter shoe policies since I graduated. I kind of loved wearing a uniform too. As if high school wasn't stressful enough, I would have died if I had to pick out a cute (clean) outfit every day of the week. And breaking as many uniform rules as you could get away with always made the school day more exciting, especially by senior year.
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