making girls CRY is my forte.

i had a great and wonderful and fabulous weekend in tulsa. everything was stress free and relaxing and fun. we hung out, brought mom jan a card and some fruit to send her off to texas, walked around campus, had a three hour lunch at a cute little establishment where board games were available *and you know we played apples to apples for hours*, saw a cute chicky flicky (the waitress: horribly horribly predictable but who knew keri russell was such a great actress? i liked), um... drank some beer, laughed a lot, made a sunday brunch at jennifers, and some other stuff.
i am looking at our funny recreation of college pictures that we took on TU's campus. and i just have to admit that we look, um, grown up. and by grown up i don't mean OLD but i do mean older. i am facing it. we look older. but i don't FEEL like we look older. is this making sense? i don't look at my friends and see an older person where i used to see a little 18 year old. or do i? and for some reason 18 seems really young right now to just ship your kids off to college! HA. i bet mike and linda get a kick out of that line!
thank god people will still card me (ask me for ID) until I'm at least 50. (and i almost typed 30 there and then freaked OUT a bit b/c, well, that is not so far away!)
the end.
you girls may be older but you are still adorable with all your picture taking
these pictures are just great and groovy; they make me extremely happy.
wish i was there... boohoo. we look older, but not MUCH older... just more worldly-wise. right? right. when i look at all of you, i still see the same kat/brooke/jenny... in fact, i still often picture all of you in your get-ups from initiation. ah, especially jenny looking like mary, the mother of god in white. and candles. good times! ;)
it cracks me up when people say "this is a picture of me when i was younger." every picture of you is one of you when you were younger.
sounds to me like it's baby and kat time pretty soon.
no picture has ever made me as happy as the one of you giving Audra a Personnel. I love it!
These are all nice guys pictrue but they all guys is very happness wish they all the best.
These are all nice guys pictrue but they all guys is very happness wish they all the best.
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