sunday night pictures moves to monday this week
as previously mentioned, i failed my prelim gestational diabetes test. when one fails, one must take a three hour test. that i took this morning. the day after easter. (how stupid am i?!). anyway, three hour test entails them taking your 'fasting blood sugar', consuming a yummy orange glucose drink, and then taking blood (via fingertip pricks at my doc's lab) every hour for three hours. fasting blood sugar was normal, i failed the first hour, and then passed the second two. (if you care about #'s, my fasting blood sugar was 60, first hour was 204! (had to be below 190), second hour dropped all the way down to 140 (what i needed to pass the test in the first place!), and third hour down from there.) TALK ABOUT A CRASH. for me and for baby. next time i have a child, i think i shall decline this test. it was awful and i don't understand why they do it. unless you are OFF the chart, it is treated through diet anyway. why can't they just randomly test my blood sugar instead of making me eat a drink whose sugar levels are equivelant to like four candybars that i would never eat anyway. never mind, i am going to stop there before i launch into another speil about medicine and tests. argh, i am in too crappy of a mood to launch! (and if i failed, they gave my information to a diabetes clinic for yet more testing and "plans" and appointments. and stress!)
whatever, i guess i passed. i am thankful i passed. very thankful. it would have been okay if i failed also. talk about an emotional roller coaster. the lab tech said my test was "highly unusual" - i think she thought i somehow cheated - ha! i also had to go straight to work after my test, so i am spending the evening in recovery mode. everything can wait a little bit while baby and i sleep it off.
additionally, i have like 15 more guesses to add to the baby pool! will update that tomorrow! it's getting good!
25 weeks, 3 days
First off-- you look great!
The GD tests are ridiculously stupid. Unless there is a REASON to suspect that you have GD, there is no reason for the stupid test. They apply/offer it to everyone in an attempt to avoid getting sued. Blech. I hate medicine. Anyway... hope the recovery goes well!
So glad everything turned out well, my darling! ;)
I am thankful you and baby are healthy. You wouldn't ever cheat-would you?!?!
You look SO good.. Seriously.. Glad the test turned out in your favor, but dude.. that sucks. Sorry you had to deal with that. Icks. And, uh, I like the idea of you cheating on a diabetes test. That makes me laugh... ;)
aw, sucko. so sorry about that. i've already been told that i'll be at risk for GD since i'm hypoclycemic and my dad has type II diabetes... but i'm not sure why they make you take the tests if diabetes doesn't run in your fam.... anyway, hope you're feeling better today!
hey, i can finally see your belly...although mine is still bigger (and i'm not pregnant) ;) oh, and not that you asked my opinion...but that test does suck, and IS completely irrelevant and stupid!! so sorry you had to go through it!
YOU ARE THE CUTEST PREGNANT PERSON since i don't know when.
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