the many faces of nate
i tried to do some basic editing in i-photo. i guess now that i have a child i have to learn how to 1. use my camera settings and 2. edit photos better. in a better program. ahhh... a maternity leave project!! (not that i am bored, trust me!)
his cheeks are taking over his face. it's pretty cute. he definately has OLD MAN face in full effect.
tonight we go to Birthworks - where we took our class- to share our birth story with other moms and dads to be. we are telling our story to the HOME BIRTH class! (we took the hospital birth class) so it should be interesting. i LOVED hearing the inspirational natural birth stories in my class so i hope ours is good enough to inspire some of the impending babies to come out fast and slippery like nate. (and it will be super nice to hear "AWESOME" in response to our birth instead of "FREAKS!" which is, in fact, some peoples response.)
2 weeks, 6 days.
your doing a GREAT job mom! just fabulous!!!!
you have to share the details of your story time! PLEASE!!!
that last picture is INTENSE. xo
he is so cute! also, i can't imagine people calling you freaks in reality... because... well, it wasn't like you had a lot of options. when a baby is ready to come, it's ready to come. what do they want you to do? put tape over the hole and hold it in there a little longer? jeez...
I love the top picture too. Oh, and his eyes! OMG. Amazing!!!
Let me reiterate-- AWESOME to you, because I don't think there is anything "freaky" about birthing at home. :)
Someone called you guys freaks? It was awesome and unique and you guys should be proud! And you have a cool story to tell...
He is adorable!
I also think it is hilarious that Karl went out and bought a new computer :) Phil would so do that too !
I think they will all be very insired! Lovely little boy!
Inspired~ ooops
Awwww! You're so adorable! I love the one of you guys together. :) Kat, I miss you! I want to plan a trip soon. I'll be there in August for a work meeting so maybe then. :)
Helloooooooooo, mama- that third picture is perhaps my favorite picture of Nate yet! Old man face. Babies are so fun. ;)
Love you, darlings (all three of ya).
Love the photos. You have the best baby story on the planet.
i am totally in awe of you and Karl. the baby is beautiful and the story is the best ive heard in long while. i went to junior high with Karl and it has been forever since ive seen him. i wanted to let you know and karl that i joined the blogging world because of you and elizabeth ross, weird i know. but i added yalls link on my page if you dont mind.
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