i would like to express my hatred for babies r us

oh. my. god. i hate this place so much i can't even tell you. i hate them, i hate them, i hate them. there. i expressed it.
i am not going to go into the mundane details, but the last two times i have been in that store i have left either in tears or shaking and cussing (a combination of both, really.).
then i wonder why i even bother letting piddly little things such as REALLY CRAPPY CUSTOMER SERVICE bother me. ugh. never mind. i am just getting annoyed all over again. not worth it.
if i had tons of cash, i would shop strictly online or in cute little baby boutiques. (ah, who am i kidding? i hate shopping in stores. so, yea, it would be online only. if i could, i would buy everything online.)
AND so i don't have to listen to you all say "he looks just like karl!" or "your husband must be so happy he looks just like him!" and blah blah blah KARL. here is one of MY baby pics. you tell me you can't see my baby in there, you be a LIAR!
here is karl (who nate, admittedly, does share some traits with. ha.):

and though i find it offending that the FATTER our child gets, the more people say he looks like me, i'll TAKE IT!
3m, 3w, 3d (333. i like it.)
i think he looks the most like me....
sounds like a couple of tough days....hang in there girl. at least people don't say "ahhhh he\she looks exactly like his aunt\uncle\grandmother\grandfather....i mean GIVE ME A BREAK!!! they are not even directly involved in the MAKING of the child...get over yourself. so btw, my vote is "WOW, who knew nate was kat's twin!!" :)
blah blah blah KARL
the above is my very favoritest thing ever. i can hear you saying it in my head, and it's a constant reminder of why i adore you, like i need one. : ) xoxo
Your baby pic won't load on my work computer. Boo. So I will have to wait till I get home to see! When you have some time, I could use the LD on baby gear--namely, cribs. Super intimidating...
Yes he does look like you =)
But yes a combo baby for sure.
hehehehehe i love alllll the baby pics. and i have always said he looks like karlthleen, so there! :)
yay for baby pictures. i love to analyze how much people look the same as their adult selves. i, for the record, look almost NOTHING like the pics of like, my first year.
OH MY GOD WHEN DID YOU ADD HIS FLOATING HEAD TO YOUR BANNER???? that just made my freaking day!!!!!!
Totally a perfect mixture. ;)
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