and then we did some other stuff
i have already forgotten the rest of our trip. it is now a blur of walking and eating and, uh, walking. i do know that we got lazy on the last day and ate too close to times square and spent $50 on an egg sandwich, potato pancakes (burned and nasty), and a mushy fruit bowl. yuck.
let's see: this will be saturday, sunday, monday:
saturday morning (STILL RAINING!) i was dying to go to a Yankees game, but with the rain.... we decided to skip it. instead, we hit up the manhattan children's museum where some little girl punched nate in the face (barely) and he lost his shit. lost. it. and then every time another child came near him he cried like the world was ending. it was sad and slightly embarrassing (happy, playing children everywhere and nate screaming his head off) but also somewhat entertaining. i mean, what can you do? nate needs a bit to warm up to new places. it's hard to remember that when karl and i just want to jump right in and play!
we, uh, did some more stuff saturday. uh, OH YEA. the weather cleared up and we ate dinner out-a-doors in bryant park and they had these ridiculously tall breadsticks that kept nate entertained for THREE HOURS. we had multiple drinks with dinner. it was awesome!

sunday, we hit up the bronx zoo.
where we walked and walked and walked (and, oh, did i mention walked?) and it was big and fun and nate thought all the animals were "DOG! DOG!" We also pondered questions like:
we met phillip and his girlfriend for dinner in the lower east side. nate was for sure the only baby in that restaurant. eh. we stayed too late (nate's dinner: ketchup. licked off the french fries. very healthy.) and nate crashed on the subway:
monday we partook in aforementioned 50 dollar breakfast and wandered around Central Park for a few hours. Nate loved the horses (of the horse drawn carriages). We realized this was his first time to see a horse. We had to bring our child to MANHATTAN to see a horse. That's ridiculous. Eventually, we meandered toward the airport where i had to restrain karl from purchasing something from this (just because he could. not because he actually needed/wanted something):
our flight home was uneventful and (after some squirming) nate slept through it.
so, yea, that wraps up my NYC recaps. thanks for listening! would i do it again? yes. and no. i'm just saying - it would have been super nice to hop in a cab. or not question whether a restaurant was receptive to little ones. or come spilling out of a bar at 2 a.m. HA. but i'm still glad we went and that we are starting to share some of our favorite places with our favorite little person.
next trip we are hoping for west coast - maybe i am a west coast kind of girl also!
i hope everyone is having a fabulous and long labor day weekend.
let's see: this will be saturday, sunday, monday:
saturday morning (STILL RAINING!) i was dying to go to a Yankees game, but with the rain.... we decided to skip it. instead, we hit up the manhattan children's museum where some little girl punched nate in the face (barely) and he lost his shit. lost. it. and then every time another child came near him he cried like the world was ending. it was sad and slightly embarrassing (happy, playing children everywhere and nate screaming his head off) but also somewhat entertaining. i mean, what can you do? nate needs a bit to warm up to new places. it's hard to remember that when karl and i just want to jump right in and play!
we, uh, did some more stuff saturday. uh, OH YEA. the weather cleared up and we ate dinner out-a-doors in bryant park and they had these ridiculously tall breadsticks that kept nate entertained for THREE HOURS. we had multiple drinks with dinner. it was awesome!

so, yea, that wraps up my NYC recaps. thanks for listening! would i do it again? yes. and no. i'm just saying - it would have been super nice to hop in a cab. or not question whether a restaurant was receptive to little ones. or come spilling out of a bar at 2 a.m. HA. but i'm still glad we went and that we are starting to share some of our favorite places with our favorite little person.
next trip we are hoping for west coast - maybe i am a west coast kind of girl also!
i hope everyone is having a fabulous and long labor day weekend.
i had forgotten that you'd been there another time, making this #3. so cool. thanks for sharing it!
so glad you had fun! (still can't believe you survived it with a baby but) so glad you had fun!!!
Wow! Everything you did seems so brave to me with a child your age. I am such a nervous nellie. I guess my agoraphobia doesn't help much either...
It sounds like such a wonderful trip. That pic of you holding Nate - OMG! He's so grown!!!
Time to get the bathroom ready again? LOL
that breadstick was super long!!! sucks you didn't get to go to a game. i was curious how Nate would do a baseball came. Look like you had fun though.
um, so, did you guys like, walk or anything? just wondering. nate is a cutie patootie and so are you :)
ha! What CAN you do with bird poop? And the pic with the breadsticks is hilarious!!! Glad you guys had fun! The childrens museum sounds awesome-I'm not even kidding. I love that stuff.
yeah, you just MIGHT be a west coast kind of person, too! ;-) hope to see you out here one of these days...
I. LOVE. IT. This post AND travel with children, that is. :)
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