dex-tah works here
so, yea, we had to get a new roof. and a new ceiling. well, part of the ceiling anyway. it looks like dexter (a serial killer who murders bad guys in rooms wrapped in plastic and chops up their bodies and throws them in the ocean) (as seen on showtime tv.) (or, in our case, netflix.) (quality tv we watch with nate on sundays.) works here. HOPEFULLY the full project will be done tomorrow. it's been oh so fun sitting around and waiting on the roofers and contractors to show up for two weeks. i am not a big fan of this type of home renovation - this FIXING BROKEN THINGS type. it makes me sigh and pull out my check book SLOWLY. i like painting and decorating and redoing cause i want to do so. (then we can spend with reckless abandon, yes karl?) eh, well, such is life, yes?
i have been wanting to thank some friends for some bloggy love/awards lately but i never know how! i get all socially awkward about blog awards - do i give them? do i display them? I NEVER KNOW. Honestly I think the thing that bothers me about blog awards like these are the HORRENDOUS graphics/images. I mean WHAT IS THAT in the first one? a plate? an O? one of those circular sewing thingeys? and spelling CREATIVE with a K in a scripty typeface does not make one more creative. Am I right? and the other? Well, who wears a hat and heels like that while walking their miniature dog? NO ONE I KNOW for sure! so i don't want to seem all ungrateful because i ADORE bloggy love but I feel that maybe I (or someone equally cool and with more motivation than me) should come up with a cool graphic for an award? Some cute vector art? ANYTHING PEOPLE. These just make blogs ugly. (Please forgive me, creators of these images. I, personally, find them aesthetically UNpleasing.)

this one is from BLAZE LIKE FIRE. (I like to think you have to say that real loud and real fast!) I have to name seven things you might not know about me. (also, how is that KREATIVE? i do not understand.) (but i'm going to do it anyway! HA. i'm such a SHEEP!) (baaaaaaaaa!)
7 things you may not know about me:
- i have strong feelings about crappy graphics on blog awards. (well, i guess you probably know that now, huh?)
- my husband and i have been to the movie theater three times since Nate was born. It was to see Wall-E, Up, and Where the Wild Things Are. We (apparently) like to keep it G rated.
- last week i wrote a letter to my neighbor after my dogs got out (which has happened maybe TWICE in four years) after she complained ('if you can't control them, keep them on a leash') as we were clearly chasing after them with leashes. (and they didn't go far and didn't go anywhere near her.) I OBEY LEASH LAWS LADY. I DONT EVEN LIKE DOGS. i ripped up said passive aggressive letter and decided to dismiss her rudeness.
- after four years of dog ownership, i still don't like dogs that much. i feel they should only live for five years. (i know! i'm an awful person.)
- i made bread from scratch today. i'm not all that domestic but this one was on MY LIST of things that one must cook at least once in one's lifetime. (it was super delicious hot out of the oven. yeow. score one for me!)
- twitter makes me happy. it can live for more than five years.
- i still feel like a complete freakshow about my homebirth - more so now that more people in my direct circle are having the babies. i still want to try for homebirth #2.

this one is from the amazing stacia! five things i am obsessed with:
- this song (STILL!):
this print from the beautiful and talented christen byrd (lucy and olive's mama) which i am buying as soon as i start nate's robot room! (she also has these REALLY cool tags for when you take your babe to the nursery or a babysitter):

so yea for you if you had it through this long, rambling, disconnected post! i am not going to nominate ANYONE to receive an award just yet. in fact, i believe i will be designing a little award (bad ass blogger? skulls? yes?) and THEN i shall bestow it upon the blogosphere. how Kreative, right? BOOSH.
(also as a side note i am reverting back to the stupid blogger commenting system. disqus sucks. they both do. sigh.)
comments a cluster too. i hate when the internetz is DIFFICULT.
dude, i am with you on the blog awards. i feel weird about it. i don't get social anxiety, like, ever, but i for sure get interwebz anxiety. BIG TIME. :)
and and and, thanks to you, is my new favoritest thing. :) xo
Don't feel like a freak show. If I were having a second baby, I'd totally have a home birth. Wait! Maybe I am the freak show! ;-)
You made me laugh, I was unsure and nervous to do those as well, and I must agree the pics stink! Can't wait for your skulls :)
Oh my God you are in total mommy mode. So cute.
And I completely agree... the awards are dumb looking, I have not known what to do with them either.
I too obeyed the award, but I did not post on my side bar. They are not pleasing to the eye and it bothered me that it was misspelled. Thanks for participating though. One of my fears is that I'll do it and then its suddenly no longer cool...and I love your crazy birth story.
Blog Awards annoy me. I'm not sure if it's because they are stupid or because no one ever gave me one.
You=cute. That is all. VERY.CUTE. I miss your face. And that roofing thing is so home & garden. Trash bags are IN! ;) I feel ya.. Mine is done here, but they weren't exactly neat and Gracie keeps finding shingles in the bushes and chewing on them... then promptly either shitting or puking roof parts up. TMI? Yeah. Sorry.
I vote for the BOOSH Bad Ass Blogger Award.
And amen on the misspelled scripty font sins of the internet. Yikes.
A) Switch to Wordpress, dude.
B) What are these blog awards? Do you have to make lists in order to get them? This is all new to me.
C) Have you monetized lately? I'm curious about this.
N for Nate is Great.
I also dislike dogs now after owning cats for the first time in my life for 8 years now. So much easier.
I love your birth story. I told it to my husband while we were laboring to scare him to get me to take me to the hospital ASAP. :)
We too love Sid the Science Kid and actually watched it this morning. "I love my mom, my mom is cool but now it's time for having fun at school."
YES on award icons being fugly and also making no sense. ;-)
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