before the blog - was there such a time?

i was thinking about old school technology and/or lack thereof this morning and found these pictures in my old school yahoo account (use gmail, people, gmail). and i was trying to think of the # of email addys i have had in my lifetime (including jobs and personal, i guess about 15 plus) and how many i currently have (a solid 4 plus; my job forces me to have one for every association we work with but they all funnell into one inbox).
i was thinking about college - and how i didn't even have a computer in college or a cellular telephone (until senior year b/c audra and brooke almost killed me b/c people would call them looking to chat with me). i got my first phone with karl actually (ahhh - a man who can handle and support my phone obsession!) - he helped me pick that little nokia out. i think it was one of our first "dates" b/c you know in college going to best buy together constitutes a date, right? ;) we have decided to start a collection of our phones and someday we will display them all and laugh. maybe our 50 year itch party? i think so.
do i sound like an old lady? ;)
you guys are adorable. then and now. :) i kind of love the goldfish swimsuit...
ok everyone, all together now...awwwwwww
It sounds cute, not old. Oh how we change, or stay the same, or whatever
Tear! This post has all of a sudden reminded me how much time has past since we were all a few years younger. It has also reminded me to start reminiscing more often instead of being an "old", busy adult.
P.S. Love the phone idea. I can't quite figure out why, but you're right, it would be pretty funny to pull a twenty-five year old cell phone out of the closet and look at it.
leah - i was totally driving back from a lunch meeting last week and i had a meeting after the lunch meeting and had like 500 plus more things to do and i'm in my "grown up clothing" and i look over and there is this cute CUTe girl in some old car, tank on, windows down, big sunglasses, coke in hand, smoking a cigarette, music loud... big DOSE of days past. i was only a little jealous!
Wow- time flies when you're having fun and all that stuff...
Ahhhh the old apartment porch! We spent many a fun night out there!
I am diggin the golfidh swimsuit~
Speaking of depending on modern technology...see my post...
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