here is where our doggies rest their pretty little heads. found at tAR-jaaaay. we used to kennel arlo and rox at night in the kitchen but now they are 80 pounds big (all growed up!) and so they stay in our room by our bed. sometimes they wander around the house at night but not very often. good sleepers like their mama and papa.
here is our letter we sent with cali bear if you are interested in some gushy crap and/or the great state of ARKANSAW:
March 7, 2007
Dear Ms. Hellman’s 2nd Grade Class,
Karl and I were so EXCITED to meet Cali Bear this past weekend!! We would like to send special hugs and kisses to Ms. Hellman’s favorite student, CARTER! Hi CARTER!!) Cali was waiting for us on our doorstep in Little Rock, Arkansas. The temperature was around 70 degrees as we welcomed our new visitor. We were even more excited because he arrived in perfect time for the 5th Annual LITTLE ROCK MARATHON!! His host Karl ran the 26.2 miles through downtown Little Rock while Cali Bear and Kat cheered him on! It was very exciting and motivating.
Karl and Kat work in downtown Little Rock – Karl is a software support business analyst (that means he loves computers!) and Kat is an event planner for local non profit groups. They like to create websites and play on their computers for fun! They also like to exercise and play with their two labs, Arlo and Roxy. Arlo and Roxy love to swim in creeks and lakes around the city. In the fall and winter, Karl likes to take his four wheeler out to the country and hunt deer and duck in Southern Arkansas!!
My host parents took me to the Clinton Presidential Center, a library dedicated to William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States. President Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas and started his political career by becoming Governor in the State of Arkansas before he was elected President. We got our picture taken in front of his library.
Some Fun FACTS about the State of Arkansas:
Little Rock is the Capitol of Arkansas. In 1722 the French explorer, Bernard de LaHarpe, sailed up the Arkansas River and upon sighting the first rock bluff since leaving the Mississippi River, called it "La Petite Roche", the Little Rock. The city's namesake, "La Petite Roche", is located at the north end of Rock Street overlooking the river and is part of the sixteen acre Breckling Riverfront Park. The Arkansas River runs directly through the city – we love to run along the river when we exercise.
It’s warm here almost year round and only snowed one time this year – and it all melted in a few hours!
Arkansas is officially known as The Natural State. We share our border with six other states. There is a lot of undeveloped land in the state of Arkansas and farm land. Arkansas’ main crop is RICE. (followed by soybeans and cotton)
We give away diamonds in Arkansas! It's finder's keepers at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. The only public diamond mine in the world, Crater of Diamonds offers you a one-of-a-kind adventure - the opportunity to hunt for real diamonds and to keep any you find.
Our state drink is milk. Yum!
We hate to see Cali Bear go – but we know Cali will have great fun in his next destination – sunny Florida! We wish him the best of luck in his adventures in Florida and on the East Coast!
Much love,
Kat and Karl
Excellent job on that letter. We have the best state of all the states! ;)
The kids are gonna love it!
yay, i am so excited you used my info! good job guys, that was cute.
very cute letter. :)
yes, think up an acronym, please.
Coofmyho? yeah, not so much...
did you mail me the bear? i will keep my eyes peeled.
cali bear does hermosa part I
Wow. I didn't know downtown Little Rock is 26.2 miles long ;) I also am surprised to learn that the largest crop is rice. I never would have guessed that. Very informative.
PS I love Carrie's idea f changing the acronym to "CoOfMyHo." Say it out loud...it's funny.
glad you had a great time with the bear. it's really cute...
Fantastico! I knew he'd leave ya'lls house with a good report. Did you send the pic of ya'll in front of the Clinton Library? That'd be awesome!
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