
chicken and biscuits for breakfast

well, the quest for free chicken sandwiches was unsuccessful. there were tents and cops and a crap load of people last night who were in it for the long haul so karl just settled for a nice chicken breakfast biscuit (ew) and some free sandwich coupons. i guess his love of chic-fil-a isn't that strong after all.

in other news, we are having family over for dinner tonight to play the wii. yep. the wii. another item we weren't willing to stand in line for but somehow it made it's way to our living room due to some persistent phone calls to the best buy, toys r us, and others. shipments come in on sunday in case you want one and they go fast. grown men inquiring if nunchucks are in stock makes me roll my eyes in fake disgust.


Jax said...

Wow. For some reason, I thought of Audra and Karl standing together outside waiting at C-F-A. I dont even know if Aud likes it. Weird. Don't tell me that you dont like their waffle fries, Kat!!! That's just a disgrace.

My friend, Shelby, plans to wait for the new Iphone. Yeah. I dont really get up early, get in line, or really "wait" for much...unless it pays me. Yeah. haha. :))

melissa said...

i think this shows an enormous lack of commitment on karl's part. FREE CFA FOR A YEAR. come on karl. buck up.
kat i miiiiiiss you. we need to play soon.

katandkarl said...

i heard that people are paying people to wait in iphone lines for them... like $300 - $500 to wait in line!! i would consider line waiting for $500.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

All this guy does it wait in lines. quote from Gizmodo

"He was the first person to see Ground Zero when the viewing platform opened, the first to sign the condolence book at the British consulate when Princess Diana died, and the first in line to greet President George W. Bush after his inauguration. Hell, the guy waited in line for eight hours to meet Brandy. Brandy!"

Sarah said...

oh my God! matt finally got his wii in march after calling stores non-stop. he actually drove to ponca to buy his!!!

Anonymous said...


brooke knight said...

um jenny? just come play it at MY HOUSE. problem solved!

Lauryl Lane said...

wow i can't believe you all have the wii now... sammy wants it desperately, but i think it's a ridiculous splurge, like when the hell are we going to find time to play the thing?

also, i'm disappointed in karl. it would have been a funny story to tell my cali friends. about this guy i knew in college who lives in arkansas now and waited in line for 7 hours for free CFA for a year. classic wow, what a story that would have been! ;)

Anonymous said...

i love CFA i will have a #5 eight pack with a dr pepper RIGHT NOW please! xoxo

Elizabeth Spann said...

Yup, vegetarian. Unmoved by the Filet O' Chick. Sorry, Karl. :D Cody still tries to get me to eat there EVERY time we go somewhere though. He doesn't get it.
Let's wii. Soon.

Chandle said...

I love the wii. I actually played tennis so long on that thing one night, that I could barely lift my arm the next day. Ah, that toy could defeat childhood obesity better than a skip-it.

Susan said...

Seth and I are not video game people, BUT I've heard wonderful funness about the wii, so we would gladly accept an invitation to come over sometime and have a tournament of some sort. We need fun right now. We'll bring food. Holla.

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