we accidentally named our child after a rapper - sweet!

do you think the baby will start responding to "danja" as a new name?
here's his first attempt at singing (please note before opening i am singing as well and it ain't that pretty - you may want to turn your volume down - but it IS entertaining as I know none of the words). I am a little embarrassed to post it, but , well, we're all blog family, right?
With no further ado, i present: Nate Can Sing!
we're thinking of getting him an agent.
12 weeks, 1 day
baby hills is so photogenic, it's RIDICULOUS. xoxo pigeon
i see he has discovered his tongue. very cute! my stupid reader is not updating me about your blog...
MY GOD He's getting SO big already!!! I cant see youtube at work! BLAH!
Danja Hills. Freaking awesome. I will have you know that I immediately started singing that song from college that said "danja!" in it...but I didn't know any other words except the "danja" part. :( You are clearly not the only one with poor lyrical skills, my friend. And I love that rapper Nate and baby Nate are kind of posed the same way in their photos. :)
I believe you forgot to mention that Nate can groove as well!
hey...if the recording contract falls through, i noticed a niiiice right hook to big red the bird. how do you feel about being the mother of a famous boxer? ;)
Nate. Dawg. That's all I have to say.
I love your son. He is so cute!
I was able to watch half of it (due to the dial up connection I'm constantly bitching about) the other day when you emailed the clip. And, it's hilarious and cute. You actually aren't to shabby yourself...however, I have been called "tone-deaf" and "musically challenged" before whatever that means.
i know i will sound lame when i say this (and i dont care) but he's SOOO BIIIIG!!!!!!! :)
nate is adorable!
i love him!! he is so cute... (Your Nate). i want to cuddle with him BIG TIME. can't wait to have mine!!!!!
oh, that was adorable. he really was crooning, wasn't he? awesome!
Dude. Your son is super squeezable. I want to reach through the screen and smush him up (and no, not in a weird way.)
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