so i have been doing a lot of this

additionally, all these antibiotics and the sheer volume of fluid my body is requiring me to drink have been seriously messing with my milk supply. freezer stash is gone. baby is still hungry. we are still experimenting with the whole solid food thing.... so it stresses me to introduce too many new foods or too much food at once. so, sadly, tonight i broke down and ripped open a can of the dreaded formula (dun dun dun) some marketing gods at Enfamil sent us and I wouldn't let karl throw away. it is really only sad to me b/c i have my goal of 6 months exclusive w/o formula and now that is shattered. plus, i am cheap and don't want to pay for formula. i am pretty sure i can get the supply back up if this illness EVER goes away, but for now, he is getting a little supplement. i only cried about it a little. he took to it happily - like it was a big ole bottle of breast milk. it was a bit sad. i am not anti-formula (you gotta do what works for you), i just choo-choo-choose breastmilk and i work REALLY hard for it and i am too stubborn to quit BFing until I reach my goal. also, if he sleeps through until the morning, he might forevermore get a bottle of formula before bedtime and bm the rest of the time. crap, this paragraph (all this talk about breastfeeding) is making my boobs leak.... does that ever stop?!?!
also, as a treat to myself, because i am sick (6 days straight of fever people. i am really, really sick of the whole freezing/sweating combo about now.), i recieved Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 to watch from my friends at netflix. there is something about being sick that makes me want to curl up (ALONE! no one is actually allowed to touch or be near me when i am sick. which is very difficult with an infant.) and watch teeny bopper movies. and eat pecan sandies and mashed potatos. (because that is what grandma and grandpa always had for me.)
what do you crave the most when you are sick?
Man, I hope you get better soon! You sure caught a doozy of a bug.
I also tend to have the "I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, no, I'm cold" problem when I'm sick, so I'm usually switching back and forth between ice cold water or ginger ale and hot chicken broth (with saltines, of course) = classic sick food.
Ummm. Potato soup, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, and grilled cheese. That was the sicky menu for members of the Pricefam. Oddly, all of the above sound fantastic right this minute. I hope I'm not coming down with something...
Sorry you're such a sicko, friend. :) Also sorry that you had to amend your BFing goal a little bit. But there are waaaaay worse things in the world than a little form-u-lah.
I'm just going to send you hugs. Message me if you want/need to chat. Oh, and maybe ask if they couldn't put you on different medicine.
Gah, I hope you feel better!!!
When I'm sick, I also like teeny bopper movies. Totally. And 7up.
Mashed potatoes from KFC. Weird, I know, but it was what I always requested from my mom as a kid. And Lipton Noodle Soup. And Sprite, not 7UP, mind you. Feel better soon, Miss Kat. Xo.
I am sorry you are so sick! Hope you don't mind me commenting...(old friend of Jackie's, followed the link...and here I am).
I really like your blog - you have a unique writing style!
When I am sick I like Pringles, Gatorade and Chef Boyardee Ravioli.
I am also addicted to teeny bopper movies, especially when I'm sick, and I blame you exclusively for making me buy all 4 Twilight books and then go see the movie Saturday morning, even though I am 36 and have two kids and should know better. I think at heart I am doomed to be an awkward 15 year old girl so my daughters will not be as dorky as me.
Orange juice (God's medicine) and soup...any flavor of the latter will suffice...tomato and chicken noodle tops though.
There's something you can take to get your milk supply back...reglan I think. I had to due to stress and absence when Charlotte died.
Remember when I was sick Jan. of 2005 the weekend we moved into our new house. I missed a WEEK of work, then tried to come back before I should of and ended up sleeping on my keyboard? I still say that's the sickest I've ever been. Tonsilitis.....though I had my tonsils removed 3 years prior....
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