ono. are you in there?
our food size for this week in an onion - karl brought me one home and drew a face on it, so i thought i should include little onion ono in my pictures. roxy wanted to eat little onion ono. hopefully she does not feel the same about the real ono when he arrives (the debate rages on; i still say BOY, karl still says GIRL). the baby pool (yes, with real money) will begin SOON as i figure out how to create it.
i feel great. and i have gotten SO MUCH done lately. man, i wish i was this productive non-pregnant. seriously, it's crazy. karl and i have given goodwill like 8 boxes/bags, my kitchen is reorganized, our living room is painted, the laundry (in it's entirety!) is almost complete, and there is, as always, more to do, but i have lists and motivation. what more could a girl need? who wants to come over?
Anyway, I spent a lot of today reading books about birthing/labor. As most of you know, the thought of an epidural is waaaaaaaaay more scary to me than labor, so i am researching both epidurals and my options. And, yes, that means i am considering a more natural, drug free birth. read, considering. i will let you know. or well, maybe i won't, as, well, i am not really asking for your opinions about my body and pain tolerance (not being mean, just honest!). anyway i am just sharing some thoughts that i am having as we are creeping slowly toward the halfway point! (holy crap)
17 weeks, 2 days
You look absolutely beautiful!!! I am so excited to see you and little onion ono...although by feb 8th I'm sure he will be something bigger (and hopefully something that Roxy doesn't want to eat.)
Love you guys!!
i agree, you do look beautiful! maybe it is reverse nesting?
I want to come over! Yes, please. And you look great! I cannot BELIEVE you're almost halfway there! I'm gonna be an aunt (again)...! ;)
if you DO decide to go au naturale...will you tell me what it was like after it happens? i like to THINK that's what I want to do...but nobody I know has gone sans epidural. or cesarean.
You are one cutetastic pregnant lady! Your body carries it well.
This topic of drugs, no drugs fascinates me. I don't know...maybe it's because I'm in P-school.
my mother did her first several births all natural. i was there and it was horrifying. even the last two, for which she had epidurals, were horrifying. birth is just simply horrifying in general. i've been present for six live births and when i get pregnant, i will pay them to cut the baby out of me. i won't even care about the scars. my mum has the world's highest pain tolerance (and i have the lowest) and watching her strain and scream was HORRIBLE. have i said horrible enough? if you have a natural birth i will consider you to have super baby-pushing-out powers. for real.
ps. you look cute.
Little onion BOY, I say boy.....and you must let me in on the baby pool!
good for you for a)researching a lot (and in advance) and b)being comfy in not asking for others to volunteer their opinions about what you should do.
though I've never heard of someone having a "sunshine and daisies" childbirth, not all stories are horrible either. you already know it's going to hurt, but women have been doing it for quite some time now, with various chemical aid, or lack thereof, and I know you'll figure out what's best for you. kat. at this juncture. for reals.
and I like onion ono. reading your blogging about this is exciting! keep up the good work.
You look wonderful. Just so you know, I had an epidural when I had knee surgery. It wasn't bad at all, just don't look at the needle.
ack! i can't decide if i want boy or girl in the pool. i love LOVE onion ono...but i love real ono, and his/her incubator, and his/her dad, as well. you might talk to maria about her birth experience too, she is a wealth of knowledge about baby stuff.....
I had 2 epidurals and 1 natural. Its all about the way you feel in that moment. Also as a member of the Cronin fam its hard to believe but there was no yelling or cussing. You will know what is right for you when the time comes. I'm with Karl its a girl. Tell Karl to give that belly a kiss for me.
You look so gorgeous.. all glowy and knocked up. ;) Seriously, you're gonna be one of those super cute pregnant women. Frankly, whatever way you have the baby will be awesome.. b/c once you have him/her in your arms, I doubt you'll remember anything else...:) Gah, I'm sappy today.
I had an epidural, but since I ended up in emergency C-section, not a good person to advise. However, I can tell you that Amanda had Davis with an epi...great experience, no problems. She had Charlotte without (not her choice, the doc wouldn't allow cause she had blood clots)...she said it hurt like hell but luckily labor was quick. And, the recovery was way super faster!
I support whatever you decide to do. More power to ya, biatch!
I love your belly pics. Wish I could see you in person.
just like i have no desire to run an 18k, i have no desire to experience natural labor. but whatever you decide, it will be fab for you.
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