way back w: yeah yeah yeah

dang it.
ah, such is life.
i would like to make some commentary on my obsessive tv watching this week (finales everywhere!) i really try to limit my tv watching but, well, whatever. don't judge me. or do. i don't care.
we had an AMAZING antm (america's next top model) finale party last night! there were about 10 of us (baby sadie and baby nate too!) watching (and eating and drinking) while Teyona's weave fall off ON THE FINAL RUNWAY walk/crawl and her whipping it around like a lasso. (and tyra apparently loving this and giving her and her enormous forehead the ANTM cycle 12 title.) I loved little lemur Allison. GORGEOUS eyes. GORGEOUS photos. i came in second in my Fantasy ANTM league. yea, that's right. FANTASY AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL. whatcha have to say about it? we stayed up too late mourning the loss of Paulina Porizkova for future cycles (fired!), discussing Nigel Barker's hotness, and Tyra's verbal vomit. so ridiculous and yet so entertaining.
LOST made me cry and laugh and gasp and cry. What a great finale. I am pumped for the sixth and final season. I hate Kate more than ever!
The Office just made me laugh. A LOT. and cry a little. at the end. (also laughter happened durning: rules of engagement, big bang, how i met your mother, and ugly betty.)
The Biggest Loser was happy and sad. I can't wait for it to start again. Allison Sweeney makes me smile. Was NOT a huge Helen fan and wish Tara would have won, but, really, how can you hate the BL winner when they all look pretty amazing?
WE NEED A NEW SHOW FOR OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT TV NIGHT - suggestions? i am heavily leaning towards the Real Housewives of New Jersey (DVRed on Tuesdays; watched on Wednesdays.)
wow that is too much tv. (i am still debating on pressing play on the Grey's Anatomy finale on my DVR. i just don't know if i can do it.)
i TOTALLY did the same thing.
i'm down for real housewives of jersey. but i'm all yours on wednesdays, even if it's some bs show that i hate. xo
You need to go with RHWNJ and I will be severely disappointed if you don't.
cute video. what a good dog. my dog runs off when Nash gets too close. he would never let him climb over him.
I may have gone to watch each and every nater video out there. And loved them ALL! XOXO!
What WBW taught me this week: lay off the beer. How dare Biggest Loser make their finale last THREE hours. It was absurd. I fell asleep and awoke the next morning to hear that daughter-voting-off helen won. You are right though. They all looked amazing. Hats off to the losers.
oh, and Florida is still where my beach lives.
finally got pics of the naterade with bauer on the blog. check it out. had a great time with ya'll, let's do it again soon! ooooh, and sorry about your stroller hatred. didn't know until after the fact....ooops!
watch Grey's. just do it. Can't watch the video on my retarded computer connection.
I really wanted Tara to win. I also hate Kate. It's not fair about Juliette.
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